What Makes a Hearing Test Important?


A hearing test is usually done by an audiologist with an audiometry instrument and gives an audible reading of the individual’s hearing sensitivity. The individual’s hearing threshold is measured using different methods such as the Fast-Tracking Hearing Test (FTTH), the Voice Recognition Network (VTR), the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test and the VSI test. The audiologist may also perform other hearing tests. For example, an audiogram is used to measure a person’s hearing ability at various frequencies.

There are many different kinds of hearing tests available for people of all ages. Some of these are the Fast-Tracking Hearing Test, the Voice Recognition Network (VTR), the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test and the VSI test. In a Fast-Tracking Hearing Test, a visual signal is presented on a computer monitor that causes the individual’s ears to respond by picking up and sounding off frequency in the form of an “aural illusion”. The results from the Fast-Tracking Hearing Test are displayed on a computer screen. Therefore, there is no need for a patient to be positioned directly in front of the sound source to have their ears pick up the sound.

When you take an audiometry evaluation, the audiologist places two microphones on your ears and plays different sounds, either one or both, at each microphone. You’re required to keep your head still and keep your mouth closed while the doctor records your response to the different sounds. Your audiology provider will review your hearing test results and then determine which hearing test you will be given. This procedure typically takes approximately fifteen minutes to an hour and a half.

Your hearing test Adelaide results are recorded in a hearing aid report. In a pure tone audiometry chart, you will see a column of numbers. Each number corresponds to a different sound wave frequency. If you’re looking at a particular frequency range, your name will be on the left of the list. If you’re looking at all the frequencies in the hearing test report, your name will be on the right.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, it’s important to make an appointment with an audiologist as soon as possible for a hearing test Adelaide. Left untreated, some forms of hearing problems can lead to severe hearing impairment. Your primary care doctor may be able to refer you to an audiologist. However, if your hearing loss is severe or you’ve been experiencing symptoms for more than three months, you should contact an ENT specialist immediately.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss but don’t think your current medications cause it, you should contact your primary care physician. They will usually refer you to an otolaryngologist. The ENT specialist will perform a variety of procedures to determine the cause of your hearing loss. For example, they may perform a complete hearing screening and computerized tomography (CT) scan, speech screening, and nerve-conductionomy (NC). After the screening and procedures are completed, the ENT specialist will provide you with a report detailing your hearing loss and recommend treatment.

Your audiogram is typically measured in decibels (DB), although some radiographers measure sound pressure level (SPCL). A decibel reading is called “decibels” because it has the same influence on your hearing ability as does the wavelength measurement of sound. In addition, sound waves pass through a medium, such as air. So, a lower decibel sounds louder.

It’s also important to remember that audiometry can’t determine if you’ve experienced hearing loss. An audiologist can only detect where you might have hearing loss. So you’ll need to have your eyes checked to have your hearing screening done. Once your hearing is measured in decibels, you’ll be referred to an otolaryngologist to ensure your hearing isn’t corrected by glasses or hearing aids. If you do need these devices, your doctor will explain the benefits and risks of using them.